Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Entry Eight: Uranium and Protective Measures

Long time no see. And now, out of boredom and due to pressure from quite possibly the only person who will read this, another entry!

Alright, this time it's my canister of Uranium metal. The outer box is made of half inch thick lead, and inside are 11 grams of Uranium inside a plastic package full of Xenon gas, for that extra little bit of protection. I've had this stuff for the better part of a year now and I can't quite remember when I bought it. One of my friends has a geiger counter and I tested it to make sure it was the real thing, and it's relatively radioactive, although probably not dangerously so. Either way, probably not something you'd want to carry around in your pants pocket.

The funniest think about this to me is that I ordered it over the internet, and it was delivered by the US postal service. Think about that for a second. You can mail Uranium. To anyone. It makes me chuckle for some reason.

Alright, enough of that for now. Maybe I'll do another one of these in less than 8 months this time.

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