Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Entry Seven: My Keys

Today's random crap from my room is a large pile of keys. They currently total 120 separate keys, and here's a list of what the ones I know about go to:

My car, my old car, my parents old car, my house, my old house, two friends' houses, six padlocks that I own, handcuff keys, my church, the pawn shop in Braxton, my old church, the chemical storage room at WVWC, the front door of an abandoned coal mine, a pair of roller skates, a broken jewelery box, a grandfather clock, my appartment, my mailbox, the fuse box for room 1905 in the Pharm School, a motorcycle, and a boat.

All the rest, I have no idea what they go to.

Interestingly enough, I have enough keys now that if I have my extended keyring with me, there's a decent chance that I can open most common locks. I know I used to be able to open an old girlfriend's house with one of them that was definately not for her house, and I've gotten into several padlocks and closed doors with other ones.

Who needs lockpicks when you have five pounds of keys?


  1. Wow! nice post! You sure have a lot of keys! ^_^.. pls visit my blog
    imaginative minds
    thnx so much!^_^

  2. i am so glad you posted today. i was just thinking that you really needed too!
