Thursday, February 26, 2009

Entry Six: Three Bottles of Acid

This time we'll be looking at a trio of items that I don't think deserve entries on their own. These are three old bottles of acid. Left to right they are; Dilute Nitric Acid, Citrate of Magnesium, and Sulfuric Acid.

Ok, I shouldn't lie. The bottles are old, but they're full of water. And Citrate of Magnesium was never an acid to begin with. Although it could cause horriffic diarrhea if used improperly, which probably makes it worse than acid.

So, why do I have these things? Well, the Nitric acid bottle I won as second prize in the WVWC Chemistry Group Bowling Tournament. Yes, you read that right. We were dorks. Anyway, I thought it looked neat so I kept it. Unfortunately, people saw that I had it, and they assumed that I wanted more. Now, occasionally people just buy me these things for birthdays and such. I've had to stand between my mother and a shelf of these things to keep her from buying me another one.

So, what have we learned? Right. Don't buy me any more of these.

Unless they are actually full of acid. Then I might take one more.

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